Best way to avoid spam mails

Posted by K. Swaviman
Now a days spams in the inbox of any active e-mail account is a very common and annoying problem. Also for some reason or other almost all the websites demand your email address for their services. So getting their promotional mails as spams are very common. To get rid of such irritating spams i.e. to block spam permanently we have listed some disposable email services which if used can help you out. Other than this it has other advantages too. So let us see.

Disposable emails can be used in places where you have to enter your email once for getting any service and you don’t want to get any further mail from that site or person. These are nothing but the email alias of your own email address(es). Sometimes while buying from some online stores or while accessing any document in any site or it may be due to some free email accounts providers, you need to enter your very own email address & this is used by them to send you promotionals. If you input a disposable email address in such places then it will act as your original email id for those sites but they will not be able to send you any further emails as your identity becomes completely hidden here. But most of the disposable emails expire after some specified time duration (it may be 12 hours or it be 1 month). 
Here are some of them you can trust:

Using this fake email generator you can get rid of spamming the inbox to a great extent. It is one of the most used disposable email services.

This is another disposable email provider. It offers free email accounts to its users using which you can create any number of temporary mail ids to share with such indivisuals from whome you don’t want to receive emails.


This one is what we prefer most of the time. Because of its simplest interface and user friendly usage it has gain a massive popularity.

You can use temp mail also. It has an interface similar to an email inbox. Very easily you can change addresses and keep a track on the in coming mails to that email id. You can select its validity from 6 hours to 24 hours. After 24 hours the temporary email address will expire and all your spams too.

In this post post we have tried best to inform you some of the good temporary email providers. We might have missed some of them. If you have anything to express regarding this article please do comment.

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1 comment:

  1. We recommend that a new improved service temporary address.
    - You can register accounts for any networks including Facebook
    - Very fast
    - Everything is done automatically
    - Support for all languages and encodings
